National Institute of Maritime Affairs

The establishment of NIMA was conceived in order to meet the objectives of National Maritime Policy. NIMA serves as a focal point for multidisciplinary maritime research, undertakes analysis to enhance maritime awareness amongst the public/decision makers and acts as national resource for policy advice on maritime affairs. NIMA is a semi-autonomous organization at Bahria University and is also a constituent unit of Maritime Center for Excellence at Pakistan Navy War College Lahore to carry out focused research in the maritime fields for the enhancement of Pakistan maritime interests.


Institute of Maritime Affairs(IMA) was approved under the aegis of Bahria University, through the Directive of the Prime Minister of Pakistan in 2006.
On 13 January 2007, National Centre for Maritime Policy Research (NCMPR) was established at Bahria University Karachi under the direction of Government of Pakistan to act as Pakistan’s premier think tank on maritime affairs in order to recommend research based policy guidelines on the maritime sector of Pakistan.
The centre did an excellent job by fulfilling its objectives through research based activities in the form of research papers, publications and conducting conferences, seminars and maritime discourses to create public awareness on the maritime domain.
Apart from research based activities, its focus also remained on conducting education on maritime disciplines like MBA Maritime, PGD in Port Operations, and certificate courses on different maritime related subjects.
The scope of NCMPR was further expanded by establishing Institute of Maritime Affairs (IMA) as national body, in 2017 based at Islamabad with NIMA Karachi as its constituent unit.
In 2018, NHQ upgraded NCMPR to National Institute of Maritime Affairs (NIMA). It enhanced its mandate in order to jump-start the maritime sector and created two centers of NIMA, i.e. NIMA (Karachi) and NIMA (Islamabad).
In parallel, NHQ established Maritime Centre of Excellence (MCE) comprising NIMA and PN War College (PNWC) at Lahore. This initiative was intended to synergize the efforts of maritime research by PNWC and NIMA.


To be a world-class Maritime Centre of Excellence contributing significantly towards Pakistan’s Maritime Affairs.


To function as a premier think tank of Pakistan in maritime policy research and education, maintaining repository of authentic data, aimed at providing input/solutions to relevant stakeholders through comprehensive research/analysis.


Provide policy input in maritime domain

Develop / advocate national narrative on maritime issues

Contribute towards national/international processes and governing instruments for sustainable maritime Economy (Blue Economy)

Facilitate dialogue & collaborate with national and international partners

Produce quality research reports and publications on maritime subjects

Enhance public awareness and understanding on maritime issues

Maintain repository of authentic maritime database

Provide consultancy and expertise on maritime-related projects

Achieve self-sustenance and conducive infrastructure

Promote use of new technologies/AI in maritime domain


a. To carry out applied research on following Maritime domains:


(1)  To carry out research & evaluation of Strategic, Political, Economic and Maritime Environment of Indian Ocean & beyond to suggest policy guidelines on the maritime issues related to:

(a)     Geo Strategy & Policy

(b)     Geo Economy & Energy

(c)     Maritime Security & Naval Warfare

(d)     Area Study (Far East, Middle East, CARs & Neighbors)

(2) To evaluate maritime strategies of major powers and Indian Ocean literal States including Persian Gulf & to recommend solutions for National Maritime Strategy with particular focus on development of maritime economic activities to include:

(a) Shipping

(b) Ship building & Repairs

(c) Ship Re-cycling

(d) Seafarers Community

(e) Ports & Harbors

(f)  Maritime Transportation

(g) Maritime Trade

(h) Fisheries

(i) Inland Fisheries & Marine Ecosystem

(j)  Maritime Tourism

(k) Coastal communities and their Socio-economic development

(l)  Maritime History and Marine Archaeology

(m) Environmental Protection & Security

(n) Climate Change

(o) Marine Pollution

(p) Innovation & Technology

(q) Hydrography & Survey

(r)  Maritime Industry

(s) Marine resources covering coastal, deep sea and sea-bed resources

(t)   Maritime Policies, Acts, Ordinance

(u) Maritime Law & International Obligation

(v) Maritime Budget Tracking & Analysis

b. Maintaining authentic, accurate and reliable maritime data.

c. Produce research publications of international standards. NIMA is to endeavour to optimally utilize modern media tools to share maritime research output for advocating best possible solutions.

d. To study technological advancements, their implications on naval warfare and propose innovative solutions.

e. To establish linkage/contacts with other think tanks to benefit from their research work on the subject & to establish data bank on maritime affairs through research papers, internet and other materials available on the subject.

f. Coordinate and engage the relevant stakeholders like different ministries, government departments and other organizations to synergize the outcome of research and advocacy efforts.

g. To maintain close liaison with PN War College in curriculum development and joint research in naval warfare and maritime services.

h. To conduct and participate as a Think Tank in international / national conferences, seminars, symposia, workshops, focused talks, maritime discourses, and other activities as per CoE with a view to bring maritime awareness in public / government circles and to represent Pakistan’s viewpoints at international forums.

j. Establish collaboration and linkages with similar organizations at national and international level to further Pakistan's Maritime interests. To bring maritime awareness, NIMA is to establish linkages with universities/institutions and maritime stakeholders through maritime campaigns, lecture sessions, celebrations of maritime events and activities.

k. Render requisite support to PNWC for the conduct of Maritime Security Workshop (MARSEW), PN Staff Course (PNSC) and Pakistan Maritime Security Agency (PMSA) for conduct of Maritime Law Enforcement Workshop (MARLEW)

l. Design and undertake study courses on topics related to Maritime growth development, and other areas of national interests in coordination with School of Maritime Sciences at BUKC.

m. To act as the coordination centre for establishment / operation of Indian Ocean Maritime Network (IOMN)

n. Endeavour to obtain grants from government and private sector donors.

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