The concept of Blue Economy is based upon developing ocean based industries, the capacity for employment creation and revenue generation from seas. The potential of blue-growth in terms of addressing global challenges such as energy, environmental/ marine pollution, climate change and food security, has brought it high on national as well regional agendas. The Western Indian Ocean (WIO) states have traditional bondage with respect to maritime trade apart from cultural, political and other common areas of interests. These shared areas can provide impetus for a common future of maritime collaboration under a secure environment for the nations of Western Indian Ocean. Some of the major opportunities in the region like exploration of off shore energy resources, the growing trade connectivity with China and other landlocked countries through BRI and presence of marine resources provide the regional states tremendous opportunities for collective economic development.
Forgoing in view, the publication of this book is focused on analyzing various facets of ocean economy, the challenges that are faced with respect to its peaceful development and the imperatives of maritime security while identifying areas of collaboration for achieving common goals of maritime prosperity and security in the region. We are grateful to all the contributors for their support and co-operation. We wish and hope that this publication will be a significant addition into maritime literature.
Forgoing in view, the publication of this book is focused on analyzing various facets of ocean economy, the challenges that are faced with respect to its peaceful development and the imperatives of maritime security while identifying areas of collaboration for achieving common goals of maritime prosperity and security in the region. We are grateful to all the contributors for their support and co-operation. We wish and hope that this publication will be a significant addition into maritime literature.
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