Blue Economy

The National Institute of Maritime Affairs (NIMA) is actively engaged in promoting the Blue Economy. It is a sustainable economic model which mainly focused on the sensible use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and ocean ecosystem health. NIMA’s initiatives in this domain include comprehensive research, policy formulation, and capacity building aimed at utilizing marine resources while ensuring environmental sustainability. NIMA’s strategic plan related to Blue Economy encompasses the development of maritime sector’s infrastructure which includes, enhancement of Ports and Harbours in Pakistan, promoting shipping sector of Pakistan, practices of sustainable fisheries, advancement of renewable ocean energy sources, etc. 

Through research and advocacy NIMA aim’s to drive innovation and encapsulates in maritime industries, support coastal communities, and contribute to national economic development. The notable efforts of NIMA are aligned with global sustainable development goals, focusing on balancing economic benefits with the preservation of marine biodiversity. Through these initiatives, NIMA seeks to position itself as a key player in the global maritime sector, advocating for policies that support a thriving and sustainable Blue Economy.
NIMA has identified / established ten research desks to cover the ambit of Blue Economy. These desks include:

  • Port and Harbour
  • Fisheries (Mari and Aquaculture)
  • Ship Repair and Maintenance
  • Green Ship Recycling
  • Transit and Transshipment
  • Coastal Communities
  • Seafarer Community
  • Maritime Tourism
  • Water Sports
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