

The event focused on analysis of various challenges faced by developing countries particularly Pakistan towards
embracing Blue Economy and to bring about practical recommendations/ innovative
solutions for economic development in the maritime sector.


Sustainable Oceans for All – Harnessing the Benefits of Oceans for Pakistan’s Economy

Cdre (Retd) Babar Bilal Haider SI(M), Director, Indian Ocean Study Centre, NIMA delivered a keynote address to the audience of the 1st International Online Maritime Conference titled ‘Sustainable Oceans for All – Harnessing the Benefits of Oceans for Pakistan’s Economy’, organized by the Centre for Research and Innovation in Maritime Affairs (CRIMA) @crima.official@minhajuniversitylahore During the technical session, Mr. Kamran Hashmi presented a paper titled ‘Power Politics in the Indian Ocean’.

3rd International Maritime Symposium 2022 (IMS-22)

At the 3rd International Maritime Symposium 2022 (IMS-22), we explored the Geo-Economic Dimensions of the Indian Ocean Region – Opportunities for the Region and Beyond. Professor Ahsan Iqbal, Minister of Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives graced the opening session as the Chief Guest.

International Conference held at the Regional Integration Centre

Vice Admiral (Retd) Abdul Aleem HI(M), Director General NIMA, presented a paper at the three-day International Conference held at the Regional Integration Centre, University of the Punjab, on July 7, 2022.

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