Environment and Climate Change

Maritime Environment and Climate Change Centre has been set up at NIMA to enhance understanding of emerging threats of environmental degradation and climate change in the marine and coastal regions of Pakistan.
The research themes under the centre range from topics like marine pollution and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to advancements in Green Shipping technologies. Environmental and ecological preservation under changing climate and in line with international commitments of Pakistan are at the core of research carried out at Maritime Environment and Climate Change Centre.

The involvement of local communities is critical for safeguarding the environment and preserving natural resources and Maritime Environment and Climate Change Centre considers it a key element of Sustainable Development. The centre aims to engage federal and provincial government organizations and other stakeholders in achieving the goals of sustainable maritime conservation and climate resilient growth.
NIMA has identified / established five research desks to cover the ambit of Environment and Climate Change. These desks include:

  • Climate Change & Environmental Security
  • Marine and Coastal Pollution
  • Coastal Urban Areas
  • Conservation of Marine Ecosystem
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
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