Maritime Trade and Transport

The National Institute of Maritime Affairs (NIMA) is actively engaged in enhancing Pakistan’s maritime trade and transport sector, and recognizing its strategic importance for the country’s economic growth. This domain encompasses the regulation, development, and optimization of shipping routes, port infrastructure, and logistics services essential for international trade through research and advocacy. In partnership with a number of organizations, including PQA, PNSC, KPT, and certain others, NIMA has developed chairs to carry out research that will strengthen Pakistan’s maritime trade and transportation industry going forward.

NIMA aims to conduct research that will improve port facilities, integrating advanced technologies for efficient cargo handling, improving safety standards in maritime operations, etc. of Pakistan. By hosting seminars, webinars, and short courses, NIMA aims to promote sustainable practices that reduce  environmental impact while also conducting capacity-building programs and training maritime professionals to meet international standards. By addressing the challenges of maritime security and regulatory compliance, NIMA is working to streamline procedures, and enhance the competitiveness of Pakistan’s maritime trade and transportation sector. NIMA intends to position Pakistan as a key player in the global maritime industry, ultimately contributing to the country’s economic resilience and growth.
NIMA has identified / established eight research desks to cover the ambit of Maritime Trade and Transport. These desks include:

  • Maritime Transport
  • Maritime Trade 
  • Port Services 
  • Maritime Budget & Analysis
  • Inland Water Transportation System 
  • Maritime component of CPEC
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