Geo-Politics, Strategy & Economics

The National Institute of Maritime Affairs (NIMA) has significantly strengthened its focus on geo-politics and geo-strategy in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). NIMA conducts in-depth research on the evolving maritime environment and its implications on Pakistan’s maritime interests. The IOSC analyzes geopolitical and geo-economic landscapes, offering insights into the strategic interests and security concerns of IOR stakeholders.

NIMA collaborates with national and international think tanks for organizing seminars and workshops to discuss key global and regional issues and generate policy recommendations. It leverages media platforms to disseminate research findings and raise awareness about the maritime domain’s strategic importance. These initiatives aim to enhance Pakistan’s strategic positioning, advocate for its maritime interests, and contribute to regional stability. Integrating geopolitical and geo-strategic considerations, NIMA plays a vital role in shaping Pakistan’s maritime strategy and understanding the Indian Ocean’s complex dynamics.

NIMA has identified / established seven research desks to cover the ambit of Geo-Strategy, Politics and Economy:

  • Indian Ocean Regional Politics.
  • Geo-Strategy & Policy.
  • Geo-Economy & Energy.
  • Maritime Security
  • Maritime Strategy.
  • Area Study (Far East, Middle East, CARs & Neighbors).
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